Additional Services in Parma

Enhancing Comfort: Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning’s Range of Additional Services in Parma, Ohio

Sometimes, your home needs a little extra TLC when it comes to heating and cooling. Even though Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning isn’t located directly in Parma, Ohio, they offer incredibly reliable and efficient services to the residents of this area. Let’s dive into the additional services they provide and how these can make your living environment more comfortable.

The Evolution of Indoor Air Quality

Gone are the days when heating and cooling were your only concerns. With advancements in technology, the focus has shifted massively to indoor air quality. Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning offers a suite of services aimed at making your home’s air healthier and more comfortable.

Key Additional Services

  1. Humidification & Dehumidification

    • Why it matters: Ideal for maintaining optimal moisture levels.
    • Benefits: Prevents mold growth and maintains comfort during extreme weather changes.
  2. High-Efficiency Filtration

    • Why it matters: Essential for households with breathing problems.
    • Benefits: Filters out airborne particles, leading to easier breathing and even reducing the frequency of home painting!
  3. CO Detectors

    • Why it matters: Safety first!
    • Benefits: Early detection of carbon monoxide, ensuring the safety of your home.
  4. UV Lighting

    • Why it matters: Effective in killing bacteria and mold spores.
    • Benefits: Improves overall indoor air quality by eliminating potential airborne hazards.
  5. Zoning Systems

    • Why it matters: Provides more control over different areas of your home.
    • Benefits: Tailor the temperature in individual rooms, enhancing comfort and energy efficiency.
  6. Set Back Thermostats & Internet Thermostats

    • Why it matters: Ideal for people who travel frequently or have variable schedules.
    • Benefits:
      • Set Back Thermostats: Saves money by adjusting temperatures automatically during night hours.
      • Internet Thermostats: Remote control via your smartphone, perfect for monitoring your home while you’re away.

The Customer Experience

One of Forquer Heating & Air Conditionings clients shared a wonderful story about her experience. After installing a high-efficiency filtration system and running her new furnace blower at a low speed, she didn’t have to repaint her house for ten years! Anything airborne that could have adhered to her walls was trapped by the filter instead.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Forquer offers much more than just heating and cooling services. Their goal is to provide comprehensive solutions to enhance your home’s comfort, safety, and health. Whether it’s adding humidification, high-efficiency filtration, or even zoning systems, they have something for everyone.

Get In Touch

Don’t let your brother-in-law handle the thermostat while you’re away! Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning offers solutions like Internet Thermostats to give you control, no matter where you are.

Take the first step to a more comfortable and safe living environment. Contact Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning today!

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning strives to offer the best in HVAC services. For more information, visit their official website or give them a call.