Air Conditioning Installation in Orange

Reliable and Efficient Air Conditioning Installation Services in Orange, Ohio

When the summer heat strikes Orange, Ohio, you want to ensure your air conditioning system is up to snuff. Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning may not be located in Orange, but they provide top-notch air conditioning installation services in the area. Learn more about what sets them apart from the rest when it comes to air conditioning installation.

Why Choosing the Right Air Conditioner Matters

As Jim Forquer, the expert from Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning, points out:

“The first thing you want from an air conditioner is one that’s going to cool your house and make you very comfortable. It’s about controlling not just the temperature but also the humidity.”

Simply having a functional air conditioner might make your home feel cooler, but true comfort requires the right system that effectively balances temperature and humidity. If you’re living in a cool yet clammy environment, your air conditioner may be the wrong size or type for your home.

Factors to Consider

  • Home Upgrades: Over the years, many homeowners invest in upgrades like better insulation and new windows. These changes can affect how your air conditioning system performs.
  • System Size: If your air conditioner was oversized to begin with, it might now be drastically oversized due to home improvements, leading to inefficiency.

“Just because you’ve had an air conditioner for 20 years doesn’t mean its the right one for your current home conditions,” notes Jim.

The Importance of a Load Calculation

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning performs a load calculation on every home they service. This calculation determines the exact cooling needs of your home, ensuring that the air conditioner you install is perfectly suited to your living space.

Benefits of a Load Calculation

  • Correct Sizing: Ensures your air conditioner isn’t oversized or undersized, optimizing comfort and efficiency.
  • Humidity Control: Helps in maintaining ideal humidity levels, making your home more comfortable.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces operational costs by ensuring your system runs efficiently.

Comprehensive System Evaluation

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning goes beyond just installing a new air conditioning unit. They take a holistic approach by evaluating the entire duct system in your home.

System Evaluation Includes:

  • Duct System Inspection: Identifies issues that may prevent adequate airflow to certain rooms.
  • Cooling Problems Addressed: Solves issues like insufficient cooling in upper bedrooms or corner rooms.
  • Cost-Efficiency: Provides all these services at a competitive price without hidden fees.

“You dont pay any extra for this. This is all included with the way we like to install air conditioners,” Jim explains.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning takes pride in delivering a comprehensive and cost-effective air conditioning installation service.

Why Forquer Stands Out

  • Expertise: Years of experience in diagnosing and resolving air conditioning issues.
  • Holistic Approach: Comprehensive system evaluations ensure all aspects of your home’s cooling system are optimized.
  • Customer-Centric: Transparent pricing and dedicated customer service make the installation process seamless.

Get Your Perfect Air Conditioning Installation Today!

Ensure your home in Orange, Ohio, is as comfortable as possible this summer. Contact Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning for a reliable and efficient air conditioning installation service that prioritizes your comfort and cost-efficiency.