Additional Services in Newburgh Heights

Additional Services by Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning in Newburgh Heights, Ohio

When it comes to ensuring your home is a haven of comfort, reliability, and efficiency, Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning stands out as a premier provider, extending their exceptional services to the residents of Newburgh Heights, Ohio. While Forquer isn’t physically located in Newburgh Heights, their reach and reputation for delivering top-notch additional HVAC services make them a trusted partner in the area.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Choosing Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning is choosing a blend of experience, innovation, and customer-centric solutions. Jim Forquer, a key face of the company, emphasizes the importance of contemporary HVAC solutions that go beyond just heating and cooling. It’s about comprehensive indoor air quality and management. Here’s a rundown of the additional services they offer:

Comprehensive Indoor Air Quality Solutions

Indoor air quality has gained notable attention in recent years. Unlike the past, where the primary focus was merely heating or cooling, technological advancements now allow for more nuanced control over your indoor environment. Here are some ways Forquer enhances indoor air quality:

  • Humidification & Dehumidification: Balance the humidity levels in your home to maintain comfort and protect your property from excess moisture or dryness.

  • High-Efficiency Filtration: For anyone with respiratory issues or allergies, high-efficiency air filters can significantly improve indoor air quality by trapping airborne contaminants.

  • UV Lighting: Ultraviolet lights can kill bacteria and mold spores, contributing to a cleaner and healthier indoor atmosphere.

Advanced System Zoning

Forquer offers innovative system zoning solutions, which allow different areas of your home to be heated or cooled independently. This not only enhances comfort by allowing personalized temperature settings for different zones but also promotes energy efficiency. For instance, you can:

  • Separate Bedrooms and Living Areas: Maintain different temperatures in sleeping areas versus common living spaces.

  • Setback Thermostats: Optimize heating and cooling schedules to save energy, especially during night time or when no one is home.

Smart Thermostat Integration

Today’s technology enables smarter, more intuitive home management. Forquer provides internet and setback thermostats, empowering homeowners with remote access and control. Whether you’re vacationing in Florida or managing visitors from afar, with a smart thermostat you can:

  • Monitor and Adjust Temperature Remotely: Use your smartphone to keep tabs on your home’s temperature and make necessary adjustments.

  • Peace of Mind: Avoid depending on others to ensure your home stays at a safe temperature.

Real-Life Benefits

One satisfied customer shared an impressive testimony: after installing high-efficiency filtration and new furnace blowers, she noticed not only improved air quality and reduced allergens but also the unexpected delight of not having to repaint her home for ten years. The improved filtration captured dust and particles that would have otherwise settled on walls and furniture.


Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning brings a wealth of additional services that go beyond traditional heating and cooling. Their focus on advanced, comprehensive indoor air quality solutions, system zoning, and smart home integration ensures that your home in Newburgh Heights, Ohio, remains comfortable, efficient, and healthy year-round.