Air Conditioning Installation in Hunting Valley

If you’re searching for reliable and efficient air conditioning installation services in Hunting Valley, Ohio, you’ve come to the right place. Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning may not be located in Hunting Valley, but they are a trusted provider of HVAC services in the area.

Meet Jim Forquer Your HVAC Expert

We’ve had the pleasure of discussing air conditioning installation with Jim Forquer from Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning. Heres what Jim had to say about ensuring that your new air conditioner provides optimum comfort:

Importance of the Right Air Conditioner

The primary goal of an air conditioner is to keep your home cool and comfortable. But did you know that comfort goes beyond just the temperature? Properly controlling humidity is crucial for a truly comfortable environment. Jim shared important insights:

  • Assessing your current air conditioner: Just because you’ve had your unit for many years doesn’t mean its still the right fit for your home. Changes like added insulation or upgraded windows can dramatically affect your cooling needs.
  • Avoiding oversized units: An oversized air conditioner may cool your home, but it wont be efficient in controlling humidity. As a result, you might end up with a cool yet clammy feeling inside your house.

Load Calculation The Key to Success

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning provides a unique, comprehensive approach to HVAC installation:

  • Precise Load Calculation: Every installation begins with a precise load calculation. This ensures that the new air conditioner is the right size for your home, balancing efficient cooling and humidity control.
  • Cost Efficiency: A correctly sized air conditioner runs more cost-effectively, saving you money on energy bills.
  • Comfort Optimization: By considering your entire system including ductsForquer ensures air flow to all parts of your home, tackling any cooling issues such as insufficient air in upper bedrooms or corner rooms.

Comprehensive Installation Services

What sets Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning apart? Theyre committed to providing a comprehensive service:

  • System Inspections: They thoroughly inspect your duct systems and overall home setup to ensure maximum efficiency.
  • All-inclusive Service: The comprehensive service offered by Forquer comes at no additional cost. Jim takes pride in making sure you get the right system at a fair price without any hidden fees.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Choosing Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning for your installation means choosing a service that looks beyond merely cooling your home. Their holistic approach focuses on providing cost-effective, efficient, and most importantly, comfortable solutions:

  • Expert Analysis and Recommendations: You receive expert advice tailored to your homes unique needs.
  • Efficient Energy Use: Modern, right-sized units consume less energy, which is gentler on the environment and your wallet.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that professionals have addressed every aspect of your home’s cooling system gives you peace of mind.


Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning offers reliable and efficient air conditioning installation services to Hunting Valley residents. Their dedication to precision and comfort ensures that you not only stay cool but also save money and enjoy a comfortable living environment.