If you are strapped for cash, replacing your air conditioner may be out of the question. You may be thinking you can get away with fixing a leak with Freon R-22, but now you’re appalled when you are faced with the price tag that goes along with it. Why is Freon R-22 so expensive?
The reality is you are a victim of supply and demand due to the shortage of Freon R-22. You see, nearly 30 years ago the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) ruled that Freon R-22 should be phased out as it contains ingredients that have been shown to deplete the ozone.
Since then the EPA has gone on to ban the manufacturing of air conditioners charged with R-22. Additionally, in 2010 they reduced the production of R-22 by 75% and then reduced it further in 2015 to 90%. But that is the least of our worries here in 2017, because in 2020 they will cease all production of R-22. After that only recycled R-22 will be used to service air conditioners.
With demand for R-22 growing and production of R-22 on the verge of ceasing completely, we are faced with prices that will only continue to rise until they reach a price point that no one is willing to pay. So, what can you do to combat these rising costs?
More than likely, if you need Freon R-22, it is because your unit has sprung a leak. Your best bet is to, first have your unit repaired by a professional (like one of the ones here at Forquer Heating and Air Conditioning) and then convert it over to a product that is better for the environment (and your pocket book).
We suggest shifting to Puron (aka R-410A). As of 2015, R-410A is considered the new US Standard for residential Air conditioning units. It is a hydro-fluorocarbon, which means it is ozone friendly, and (luckily for you) much cheaper than Freon R-22!
Are you considering making the change over to Puron? Has your Air Conditioner sprung a leak? Contact a Forquer Heating and Air Conditioning representative today!