Carbon monoxide is scary for a lot of people because it’s something that you can’t see, you can’t smell it, and if comes from many appliances we used in our home on a day to day basis! If too much is released in your home it can be very dangerous. So, how do you know what can produce carbon monoxide in your home and how do you protect against that in your home?
What is Carbon Monoxide?
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is extremely toxic to people and animals.
Where Does Carbon Monoxide Come From?
Carbon monoxide is released from every appliance in your home that burns a fossil fuel such as a gas stove, hot water tank, furnace, etc.
What Can I Do to Protect My Family from Carbon Monoxide?
- Invest in a CO detector on each floor in your home. A CO detector is your first line of defense against CO poisoning and they are generally inexpensive.
- Do not use your stove as a heater for your kitchen. Stoves are only intended for a short amount of time as they do give off CO and they are not vented. So, the air in your kitchen is not being cycled with clean oxygen and your risk of CO poisoning skyrockets.
- Make sure you are keeping up with your annual preventative maintenance on your heating appliances. There are malfunctions that can happen with your appliances which will lead to more CO output. The more CO in your air, the less safe it is to breathe.
When we are testing a house for carbon monoxide, we walk through with our detectors. On time, we found that there was 20 parts per million (ppm) of CO in a customer’s kitchen. This CO was continuously leaking from a very old gas stove.
Although zero CO in your air is ideal, the cut-off level for CO in your home is 9 ppm. Therefore, this was an extremely dangerous living situation for this customer and is a huge reason why we share these tips on how to keep you and your family safe from CO.
What to do if Your CO Detector Goes Off?
If your CO Detector is going off, it is crucial to respond quickly. Never assume that it is a false alarm. Make sure to get your family and pets out of the building and call the fire department. Firefighters also have specialized equipment that can detect how much CO is in the air, and whether it is safe or not.
Make sure you are taking every measure you can to keep your family safe from CO poisoning. Always keep a CO detector on each floor, ensure you are keeping up with maintenance on your appliances, and use your appliances as directed. If you have any questions about carbon monoxide, where it comes from, and how to keep your family safe from it, contact us at Forquer Heating and Air Conditioning today!