Everyone is familiar with the traditional hot water heater. This piece of equipment is what provides all of the hot water to your home or business. But have you ever run out of hot water? Maybe after running the shower for too long? It can be frustrating, but it can also be avoided!
The newest type of water heater technology allows us to instantly and continuously heat water. Tankless or insta-hot water heaters are a great option if your home or business runs out of hot water consistently. There are a few pros and cons to this type of water heaters listed below:
Pros to Tankless Water Heaters
A traditional water heater will typically hold about 40-50 gallons of hot water at a time, and once that water is gone, it can take a while to get more hot water. Whereas with insta-hot water heaters, you get that hot water on-demand, so you never run out.
Likewise, it is also much more energy-efficient and cost-effective to have a tankless water heater in terms of your gas and water bills.
Cons to Tankless Water Heaters
The insta-hot tankless water heaters are more expensive than a traditional water heater, about 2-3x more costly. And, they do require a little more maintenance on filters and pipes than a traditional heater.
Learn More
If you are interested in weighing your options for a water heating method in your home, contact us at Forquer Heating and Air Conditioning today, and we can help you make a decision that is right for you.