These days, all high-efficiency equipment use sidewall vents as opposed to chimneys for ventilation. Chimneys are old technology and can pose a lot of issues, including safety and efficiency problems.
Chimneys were used in coal-burning furnaces and that combustion produced carbon dioxide. If the area is not properly ventilated, this could cause harmful impacts on the family in the home.
Not all chimneys are created equal, some create drafts that limits efficiency, and others don’t draw the air out well enough. If they are not drawing that air out, this also creates issues in the home.
Sidewall Vents
The sidewall vents that are replacing chimneys are much more effective at creating a better draw, and they help increase efficiency in your energy consumption.
Learn More About Chimneys vs. Sidewall Vents
If you want to learn more about the efficiency of sidewall vents vs. chimneys, contact us today!