Air Conditioning has drastically changed in popularity over the last thirty to fifty years. Technology has allowed the HVAC industry to advance in many different ways.
Air Conditioning Over The Decades
Air Conditioning units were not very popular back in the 1960s and 1970s. According to our CEO Jim Forquer, most people only had boxed fans back in the day. Residential air conditioning was expensive and thought of as a high luxury.
With central air conditioning becoming more popular by the late 1960s and window air conditioners becoming more affordable than ever, hot-weather states like Arizona and Florida began to see population growth.
Since 1992, the Energy Department has set conservation standards for manufacturers of central air conditioners and heat pumps for residential use. The initial measure is estimated to result in about $29 billion savings between 1993 and 2023.
Now, air conditioning is highly recommended for individuals who suffer from specific health problems. It is believed that air conditioning helped settle the south.
Learn More About Air Conditioning
Give us a call today at 330-899-9597 or fill out the form below, and we’ll help you find that perfect AC unit to keep you cool during this upcoming summer!