Heating Product Offerings in Bratenahl

Heating Product Offerings Services in Bratenahl, Ohio

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning may not be physically located in Bratenahl, Ohio, but their reputation for providing reliable and efficient heating product offerings services extends into the area with ease. In a recent interview, Jim Forquer shared insights into the various heating-related products that can significantly enhance your homes comfort and health. Heres a breakdown of some of the excellent products and services they offer:

Essential Products to Enhance Your Heating System


In the heart of winter, indoor air can become excessively dry, causing discomfort and potential health issues. Humidifiers can address this by maintaining a relative humidity between 30 to 60 percent:- Comfort: Ensures a more comfortable living environment.- Health: Reduces the survivability of dust mites and other allergens.- Home Preservation: Prevents wood from drying out and cracking.- Static Electricity: Minimized static shocks, creating a more serene atmosphere.

High-Efficiency Filtration

Modern furnaces are capable of running their blowers continuously at low speeds, which supports 24/7 filtration:- Continuous Filtration: Keeps the air cleaner round-the-clock.- Health Benefits: Improves air quality, particularly beneficial for those with respiratory issues.


While primarily a cooling product, dehumidifiers are crucial for homes in highly humid areas:- Humidity Control: Greatly reduces indoor humidity to more comfortable levels.- Comfort: Enhances overall indoor climate and reduces the feeling of stickiness.

Advanced Technological Solutions

UV Lights

These lights are designed to kill mold spores and bacteria:- Improved Air Quality: Ensures cleaner and safer air.- Health: Reduces the presence of allergens and pathogens.

Ionization Products like “The Wave”

Ionization systems are perfect for creating a crisp and clean atmosphere:- Air Freshening: Provides a fresh, clean smell through ionization.

Smart Controls

Setback Thermostats & Internet Thermostats

  • Energy Efficiency: Programmable thermostats help in reducing energy consumption.
  • Convenience: Allows for controlling your homes temperature from anywhere using the internet.

Zoning Systems

Custom zoning can address specific areas in your home that may have unique comfort needs:- Targeted Comfort: Ensures each room in your home can be set to its ideal temperature.- Energy Savings: Prevents heating or cooling areas unnecessarily.

Comprehensive Solutions for Any Comfort Issues

Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning provides an array of products that address almost any comfort issue you might have in your home:- Solid State Electronics: The latest in technology to address any and all comfort needs.- Wide Range of Products: From humidifiers to advanced filtration systems, theres a solution for everything.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Living comfortably is more than just having a furnace. It’s about creating a warm, healthy, and pleasant living environment. With their extensive experience and commitment to quality, Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning ensures that your home in Bratenahl, Ohio, remains a haven of comfort all year round.

When you’re considering enhancing your home’s heating system, consider these products and technologies to ensure your comfort and health. Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning is dedicated to providing top-notch service and innovative solutions to keep your home just the way you like it.