Air Conditioning Installation in Riveredge

Reliable Air Conditioning Installation Services in Riveredge, Ohio

In the height of summer, there’s nothing more essential than a reliable air conditioning system to keep your home cool and comfortable. Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning may not be located in Riveredge, Ohio, but they are a trusted provider of air conditioning installation services in this area. With their efficient and reliable service, you can be sure that you will have the right air conditioner for your home. Below, well take a closer look at what makes Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning a great choice for air conditioning installation in Riveredge.

Video Transcript: Expert Insights from Jim Forquer


Well, it is, as long as your air conditioning is up to snuff. And maybe its not. Maybe youre in the market for a new air conditioner. And we have Jim Forquer right here. Jim, its good to see you. And maybe you can tell the folks about what forquer heating and cooling can do with a new air conditioner installation.

Well, Randy, the first thing you want from an air conditioner is one thats going to cool your house and make you very comfortable and control not only the comfort of the heat in your house, but the humidity. Um, you cant assume here, again, as we talked earlier on the heating, that just because youve had an air conditioner for 20 years, its the right air conditioner for your house. Uh, your house may have changed. Maybe you put in insulation, maybe youve upgraded your windows. Maybe youve done things like that. And if your air conditioner was drastically oversized, uh to begin with, now youre really oversized. And believe it or not, with the wrong air conditioner. Yeah. Its cool. That doesnt mean its comfortable, though. You can be living in a very cool, uh, high humidity, uh, element, and its better than outside, but its still really. Not. Kind of clammy. Not real comfortable.

So what you want is the right size air conditioner. And thats why we do a load calculation on every house we go out to. We find out exactly what your house needs and if its if its a different size than what youve got. Now, well tell you and well tell you why. Because were not only trying to cool the house, were trying to control humidity levels to make that house more comfortable for you and to run that air conditioner more cost effectively, more cost efficient. So having the right air conditioner for your home is important. Duct systems, looking at the duct systems, looking at the whole, uh, system to see why maybe youre not getting air to an upper bedroom or a corner room downstairs, uh, to address all your cooling problems.

And thats what you can expect with installation from us is a look at the whole system at a good price. You dont pay any extra for this. This is all included with with the way we like to install air conditioners. So we feel good about the system were putting in your house.

Key Takeaways

When it comes to air conditioning installation, making the right choice can make a significant difference in comfort and efficiency. Here are some key takeaways from what Jim Forquer shared:

  1. Proper Sizing is Crucial: Many people assume that because an air conditioner has been in place for years, it is still the right size for their home. However, homes change over time with additions like insulation and upgraded windows. Oversized units can lead to poor humidity control, resulting in a clammy and uncomfortable indoor environment.

  2. Load Calculation: Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning conducts a load calculation on every home they service. This process determines the ideal size and capacity of the air conditioner needed to maintain comfort and efficiency.

  3. Comprehensive System Inspection: The team doesnt just focus on the AC unit itself but also inspects the whole duct system. This holistic approach ensures that every room receives adequate cooling, addressing any longstanding issues where certain areas may not be getting cooled properly.

  4. Cost Efficiency: By ensuring that the air conditioner is the right size and the duct system is optimized, the overall system runs more efficiently, saving homeowners on energy costs.

  5. All-Inclusive Service: When you hire Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning, thorough inspection and installation come as part of the service without additional costs. This ensures transparent and fair pricing for the high-quality services provided.

Why Choose Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning?

Relying on Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning for your air conditioning installation in Riveredge, Ohio, brings several advantages:

  • Experience and Expertise: With years of experience in the industry, they bring a wealth of knowledge and a proven track record of customer satisfaction.
  • Customized Solutions: By tailoring their services through detailed load calculations and inspections, they provide solutions that meet the specific needs of your home.
  • Commitment to Comfort: Their focus is not just on cooling but on creating a comfortable living environment that manages both temperature and humidity effectively.
  • Value for Money: They offer comprehensive installation services at competitive prices, ensuring you get the best value.

Contact Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning

If you’re in Riveredge, Ohio, and in need of a new air conditioner or wish to evaluate the performance of your current system, Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help.

Stay cool and comfortable this summer with the trusted expertise of Forquer Heating & Air Conditioning.